Monday, September 17, 2018

Scene 4; Verden rouses the refugees

Scene 4

So Verden knows that a malevolent arcane force is controlling the minds of refugees, and that he has become a target. He is also being hunted by minions of the Vampire. Going home is probably not a good idea. He could stay with his friend in the watch, but he probably doesn’t want them thinking the refugees are causing trouble. How about staying at a House Jorasco Inn? Where better to find rest and succour from the darkness.

I’m not sure how that will affect the next scene though. He needs to find a way to track the source of the malevolence. That means either finding a wizard who can help, convincing the priestess of the silver flame to help, or buying a magical item that will help him to track the source of the curse..

Actually, scrap that. It seems more fitting for him to return to the refugee camp and gather allies to resist the corruption. Bearing that in mind, he will return to camp and seek out allies who have not been corrupted, calling them together for an emergency council meeting.

Can Verden gather allies amongst the refugees?

That sounds like an Empathy check to find people who are not acting strangely, for which he rolls a 2+2=4, succeeding in identifying and gathering a core group of potential allies.

Verden sneaks back into the refugee camp at dawn, keeping to the shadows with a cloak wrapped about him and watching for signs of corruption. He quickly identifies potential allies who don’t seem to be exhibiting signs of corruption, and approaches them to call them to an emergency meeting.

Convincing them to attend the meeting and using the meeting to convince them to help will both be handled with a single Rapport roll (of -3+2=-1). Unfortunately the vampire has been working through its minions, spreading rumours and lies against Verden and hardening people to his words. He appeals to his history of defending the community (spending a fate point to tag champion of the dispossessed for a re-roll and getting 0+2=2, success at a minor cost). They come round reluctantly, but it it is clear that the roots of the vampires corruption are spreading deep through the community.

Finally, he will roll stealth to try and keep his actions and the meeting secret from the vampires minions (getting 0+0=0). Not likely – he is about as subtle as a bull, and his small gathering of allies is quickly set upon by a legion of enthralled minions as his allies prepare to face their friends and neighbours in a battle for their very souls…

Actually, lets raise the stakes and have the vampire himself lead the assault this time, so first we need to discover a bit more about this vampire.

D10 to pick a vampire style from the world of darkness (as they are nice and iconic in their own ways) and I get a 6 – Malkavian!! So this is a vampire (randomly determined as male) whose bloodline has imbued it with madness – a madness that it can pass on to others. This ought to be fun.

BOSS Skitz
Fledgling Vampire
Thirsty for more blood and power
A font of Madness, Laughter in the face of Death, Unreasonable Strength

Great: Physique, Stealth
Good: Athletics, Fight, Provoke
Fair: Magic, Notice, Will, Contacts

Undead immunity; only harmed by holy or magic weapons
Bite; w3 when attacking helpless or grappled targets
Power of Madness; Use Provoke instead of magic to create advantages based on temporary madness (or illusion)

Physical [1] [2] [3] [4]
Mental [1] [2] [3]


3 x Enthralled Minions; Average  fight, [x][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]/ [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]/ [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
1 x Allied Refugees; Average Grapple [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]


Meeting Hall [defensive barricades]
Streets [open ground]
Nearby Buildings [plentiful cover]

Round 1

Skitz climbs his way to the top of a building near the meeting hall and lets out an anguished cry – signalling the attack. (using athletics for a create advantage roll of 0+3=3, creating a commanding vantage point with 1 free invoke.)

Verden looks across the street to see Minions gathering, and hastily orders the doors and windows to be blocked and tables to be arranged as barricades (creating an advantage using rolling rapport for -1+2=1, and instead creating the advantage Trapped behind barricades with 1 hostile invoke)

The minions charge across the open streets in a wave of bodies that crashes against the walls of the meeting hall (rolling athletics to move the extra zone for a -1+0=-1, 0+0=0, and 0+0=0 against a passive resistance of two and milling in the street).

The refugees hunker down defensively (total defense for a +2 nonus until next round)

Round 2

Skitz murmurs words of power, and a palpable aura of hopeless despair washes out from him (create advantage using provoke against the refugees for -1+3=2. Verden defends using Faith for 3+3=6, creating a boost of emboldened instead). As his men start to waver, Verden exhorts them to stand firm, reminding them of all they faced in the Mournland.

As the enthralled minions press against the barricades, Verden starts throwing out orders (overcome against Trapped behind the barricades for -3+2=-1. He tags Sick of war and bloodshed for a fate point and a reroll, getting 1+2=3. Against a passive 2+2. The aspect remains but the free tag is used up). For a moment the refugees mill in confusion, wondering why they should fall back and leave openings in the defenses against their natural instincts, but Verden has seen his share of Seiges. They need room to manouver as well as somewhere to fall back to.

The minions attempt to gain entry to the hall once more (rolling 0, 3, and 0), and slowly but surely they push their way in through windows and doors (one group gains entry).

The refugees spring into action, falling on the minions who manage to climb into the building with fists and feet (attack 0+1=1 tagging emboldened for +2=3, against defence 1 and a passive floor of 2 from the barricades), pummelling them as best they can past the barricades they have erected and managing to bring one of the attackers down.

Round 3

Waves of despair continue to pour from Skitz (rolling provoke for 0+3=3 against verdens faith of 0+3=3, creating a boost wavering faith) and the refugees begin to waver, held in place only by the presence of the embodiment of divine will in their midst.

If they remain bottled in the hall, they will slowly be ground away and Verden knows it. He needs to do something to break the stalemate. Leaving a trusted militia member to oversee the defence, Verden climbs the barricade and uses his halberd to vault straight at one of the minions like a human cannon ball (attacking with athletics for -1+0=-1 +2 smite=1 and tagging infused with the living flame for a fate point and +2=3 against passive resistance 2 from the barricades and the minions defense -1, causing 1 stress) erupting into silver flame as he drives the man back through the window, exorcising the vampires influence and sending them both sprawling into the street outside.

As soon as he hits the street, swarms of minions pile on him (attacking for -2+4=2 and -1+4=3, against his fight of -2+3=1 and 1+3=4. Gaining them a hard pressed boost.) Verden fluidly rolls to his feet, sweeping the blunt end of his halberd in a wide circle to keep the swarms at bay while he regains his feet.

Inside the hall, the minions surge past the defences (overcome of 0+3=3), tearing down the barricades and opening the way for their allies to join them.

The refugees surge into combat (rolling 2+4=6 against defence 2+4=6), doing their best to hold back the flow of minions.

Round 4

Skitz cackles with glee as he watches Verden become bogged down in a sea of his minions, and with a howl of laughter he launches himself from the roof to land in the center of the swirling melee (rolling 1+3=4 +1 scale=5 +2 for commanding vantage point =7, +2 for unreasonable strength =9 at a cost of 1 fate point  against verdens defence 2+3=5. Causing 4+w2-a3=3 stress). The vampire descends like a commet, swinging its blade in a wide arc that channels all of its falling momentum into a single blow that Verden barely deflects enough dodge aside from, sending him reeling aside as skitz blade carves a deep rend into the ground at his feet.

Faced with the Vampire himself, Verden sees a direct means to end the conflict (attacking for -1+3=2 +2 smite=4, against a defence of -2+3=1, +1 scale=2. Causing 2+w3-a2=3 stress.) a blazing trail of silver flame follows his halberds path as he whirls and thrusts against the vampires defence, pressing it back and regaining some space.

Inside the meeting hall (minions attack for 0+6=6 vs 2+3=5, then refugees attack for 0+3=3 vs -1+3=4, taking one stress) another minion is brought down as the combat intensifies.

Skitz motions, and the minions in the street round on Verden (create advantage for 0+3=3 vs 1+3=4, and 0+3=3 vs 1+3=4) and they wheel away from the meeting hall to converge on the duel taking place in their midst. Without relenting in his attack on the vampire Verden widens the arc of his swings, forcing the mob to hold back and giving him space to manouver.

Round 5

Skitz backs off, watching the timing of Verdens swings as his halberd streaks back and forth. The wider arcs necessary to keep the horde at bay increase the time each swing takes and Skitz watches for the perfect moment, swaying away from the flaming blade and then (attacking for 3+3=6, against -1+3=2. Resulting in 4+w2-a3= 3 stress) rushing in with a fast barrage of solid blows that break Verdens rhythm and send him staggering.

Verden fights back (for 1+3=4 +2 smite =6, vs 0+3=3. Causing 3+w3-a2=4 stress), spinning aside from the vampires line of attack and swinging his halberd in a blazing arc that Skitz is forced to roll underneath.

The minions surrounding him take their chance to rush him again (for 0+3=3 vs 1+3=4 and -1+3=2 vs -2+3=1, creating an advantage ‘mobbed’ with 1 free tag)

Round 6

As enthralled refugees mob Verden, tangling his limbs and restricting his weapon, Skitz steps in and raises his blade (attacking for -2+3=1, +2 mobbed = 3, vs 2+3=5) ready for an executioners blow as his minions step aside to clear space for his swing.

Verden attempts to throw off the men pinning him (rolling -2+3=1 vs 4+3=7, giving the minions another free tag) but every minion he throws off or purifies with the flame is replaced by two more.

The minions holding Verden begin to pummel him withtheir makeshift weapons (for -3+3=0, vs 2+3=5. Rerolling  for mobbed and getting 0+3=3).

Round 7

Skitz watches for an opening in the press of bodies, and brings his blade down (attacking for 0+3=3, vs -2+3=1. Causing 2+w2-a3=1 stress) in an arc that barely glances off Verdens armour as he twists aside, sending himself and the minions gripping him sprawling.

Verden attampts to climb to his feet, hoping he can do so faster than the men who have lost their grip on him, but as he rises yet more jump on top of him. (rolling 1+3=4 against the minions 3+3=6).

The mob press their advantage (rolling 0+3=3 against 2+3=5) holding onto him as best they can.

Round 8

Skitz stabs blindly into the mass of sprawling limbs (for -1+3=2 against -3+3=0. Causing 2+w2-a3=1 stress. This will mark Verdens last stress box, but instead I will take it as a minor consequence, gaining a shallow wound and concede rather than draw this out. Concession means killing Verden is off the table, so Skitz will capture him instead. This gives the GM and verden 1 fate point each) and drawing a satisfying grunt of pain from the paladin.

With his strength flowing from a bloody wound, the vampires minions are abale to get Verden under control, taking his weapon and binding his limbs. Seeing their champion taken captive, the men in the meeting hall lay down their weapons and surrender.

Scene 9

Can Verden escape?

Things are pretty dire. Verden is injured and has been captured along with all of the free refugees he could muster up. His weapons have been removed, and he has been locked in a dungeon cell.

I cant think of a decent escape plan right now, so we will end the scenario here.

Verden will change his background aspect to Enslaved by a Vampire along with my people. And gain a point of stealth from his sneaking around.

Rescuing him will have to be left to another character…

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