Monday, September 17, 2018

Scenario 5, Scene 2. Dart tracks down his Quarry

Scene 2

Two possibilities for this scene. I could rush straight to the raid on the compound, or I could spend a little time letting the two warforged get acquainted. We have already established that Dart trusts Boomer however, so I am not sure what would be gained by dedicating a whole scene to dialogue. On to the action it is.

Lets break the compound down into a 5 room dungeon, so firstly the guardian….

Can they break into the cultist compound?

Is Boomer joining Dart on the raid? No. Dart is on his own here.
Location (Gamesmasters apprentice) – laboratory. Sensory – Blast of a horn, smell of nutmeg and warm spices.

So it seems that Thurrellna has camped out in a laboratory hidden within a hunting lodge. The compound belongs to a guild of hunters and trappers (a guise for their real occupations as bandits) which serves as both a legitimate business for her men to claim employment, as well as providing a place she can experiment with her blood magic.

So how to approach? Dart is a hunter himself – he could approach seeking work. This kind of social bluff doesn’t fit his skillset though – he is more likely to simply try and sneak into place.

Lets just make this a single stealth roll (of 1+3=4, success).

Dart waits for dusk and then sneaks quietly towards the compound Boomer pointed him towards.

Are their obvious guards? No, and unexpectedly…

Random event (Gamesmasters apprentice): Decrease, Arcane, Tension

The place is deserted. Thurellna is not home. Are any of her men home? No

Curious. The place has been abandoned.

Are there a signs of a fight? No, and unexpectedly (forshadowing)…
They arrive back. Dart has managed to sneak into the compound whilst they are away, but as he is searching the place for signs of where they might have gone, he hears voices coming from the front gate.
Is Thurelna with the return party? No.

Dart has a few moments to prepare a welcome home party. He could clear out, but since he came here looking for a fight anyway…

Scene 3

Can Dart capture the bandits?
Can Dart discover the location of Thurelnas hideout
Can Dart discover the nature of the blood experiments?

There are 6 bandits (Average fillers) split into 2 groups of 3 and led by a Blood Monk (threat)

Average(+1) Fight
[1] [1][1](+1) / [1] [1][1](+1)
Swords w2
Leather armour a2

Blood Monk
Great (+4) Physique
Good (+3) Fight, Athletics
My body is my weapon; w1, free boost superior position

The zones are the courtyard (open space), The House (Maze of rooms, Household Clutter), The Lab (Pungent experiment on the boil), The stables (wooden stalls, horses) and the barracks (Bunks, Hunting Gear)

On hearing the voices, Dart rushes to an upstairs room overlooking the courtyard and prepares an ambush (creating an advantage with stealth for 1+3= 4, gaining 1 free tag)

Dart secures himself in a window overlooking the courtyard and watches as half a dozen men enter, clearly at ease and not expecting trouble. They are deeply engaged in an argument, rounding on each other while their leader holds back clearly content to leave them to their dispute. From his vantage point, Dart can hear accusations of lying and something about their fellows back at the hideout.

Not one to waste the element of surprise, he opens fire

Round 1

Dart opens fire from the window (rolling notice for an aimed shot for -1+3=2, +2 for hunters weapons and bow specialist = 4, +2 for the free tag on ambush = 6 against 0+1=1, gaining 5 shifts and inflicting 5+w2-a1=6 stress. Taking out 5 Bandits!!), taking careful aim and loosing one arrow after another. The Bandits are caught completely off guard, and all but their leader drops to the ground.

The Blood Monk ducks and weaves as a hail of arrows falls around him, and drops into a roll coming up in a crouch under the shelter of the house. Dart turns from the window as his quarry vanishes from sight, while the Monk (1 races up the stairs to attack, 2 approaches stealthily = 2) creaps silently through the ground floor of the house (create advantage using stealth for 1+0=1 against Notice 2+3=5. Giving Dart a boost for success with style.), slowly making his way upstairs towards the window he knows Dart has been using as a sniper nest. Dart doesn’t stay put however, he quietly moves across the hall and lies in wait with his bow drawn. A faint creak on the stairs alerts him to the approaching Monk, and he unleashes an arrow the second he emerges into view…

Round 2

Dart shoots for (-3+2=-1, +2 for the boost, + 2 for hunters weapons and bow specialist = 3, against athletics 1+3=4. He tags forged in the fires of war for a fate point and a reroll of 4+6=10!! Gaining 6 shifts and 6+w2-a1=7 stress, taking the monk out), lodging an arrow in the monk’s shoulder. The monk tries to rise as Dart walks purposely towards him, but another arrow in his leg is enough to keep him down.

“I think we need a little chat.” Dart says menacingly

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