Sunday, September 23, 2018

Scenario 6, Scene 5; A tough decision

Scene 5

Kayla clambers down from the airship and glances nervously across to the bear (is it still asleep? No, And… he is looking hungry), which is watching her with a hungry gleam in its eye. She looks to the airship crew yor assistance but they are busy making ready to sail and are seemingly unconcerned.

The bear begins to stalk her, but Kayla is not feeling in good humour and she simply summons a surge of raw elemental flame (rolling magic to create a ‘surrounded by living flames’ advantage rolling 4+3=7, succeeding with style and gaining 2 free invokes, then using them to supplement her mediocre provoke to overcome the bear by rolling 2+4=6 and again succeeding with style). It is too much for the bear, who turns tail and flees into the forest.

A battered Dart emerges from the forest to find Kayla wreathed in flame.

“I take it things didn’t go as well as you hoped?”
“What? Oh.” She dismisses the shroud of flames “Just scaring off that bear. I have instructed the Airship to make haste back to the fort. Did you have any luck tracking down the mutineers?”
Behind her the airship begins to lift off (any problems? No) and rises into the sky.
“They left an ambush behind. Nothing I couldn’t deal with, but some escaped.” (Dart rolls notice to overcome, getting 2+3=5, success with style), “I get the feeling they had help though. The Warforged who ambushed me weren’t ships crew, more like rangers of some sort. I think this mutiny was planned with outside help.”
“Well it failed. They havent succeeded in capturing the ship. We just need to get ourselves home and we can count this a win.”
Dart (compels on for king and country, gaining a fate point) shakes his head. “Something is going on here. Those mutineers acted with outside help, and I am not exactly convinced that the ship was the prize. I have been approached before by a group of warforged wanting a smuggling route into the Mournland.”

I’m going to make this a contest between the two, Dart wants to hunt down the mutineers and discover who is helping them, while Kaya just wants to head back to civilisation and be congratulated for a successful mission.

“Our mission was to retrieve the ship. Anyway, Who would want to smuggle things INTO the mournland. That doesn’t make any sense, its little more than a wasteland now.” (Kaya rolls Will for -2+2=0)

“I don’t know.” Dart concedes, “That’s why I want to find out. Those men I just fought weren’t amateurs or mutineers, they were professional. Special Forces. A storm is brewing out here, and I want to know what it is.” (Dart rolls Notice for -1+3=2)

Dart scores 1 success.

“So what? There is a hostile military unit operating out here? All the more reason to get ourselves out while were still alive. This needs reporting to the watch so that a ranger unit can be sent out to investigate properly.” (Kaya rolls Provoke for 1+1=2)
“I am a ranger. 304th Battalion. Or at least I was. We have pinned down their location. If we leave now it might be weeks before another unit can be sent and who knows where they might have moved to. We at least need to see what we are dealing with here.” (Dart rolls Contacts for 1+1=2)

Both score a success and something changes. Since a compel from Dart started this, lets put the pressure on him…

“I’m staying.” Dart says, turning and making towards the trees, “What you do is your choice, but I can’t leave until I know what is going on. My duty is clear.” (Dart rolls will for 0+0=0)

“And what good will discovering anything do you if you are stuck out here? Finding anything is useless if you can’t send word back.” (Kaya rolls provoke for 0+1=1)

Kaya scores 1 success.

“Well I suppose that’s down to you isn’t it girl. You can stay and help out, or you can go and I’ll get myself back. I’m a ranger, living off the land is what I do.” (Dart rolls provoke for 2+1=3)

“And if your right and theres some kind of military force out there? Two of us won’t do much against an army. This should be done properly.” (Kayla rolls rapport 1+0=1)

Success and victory for Dart.

“Then be as quick as you can and bring me some reinforcements.” Dart says with finality, turning his back on Kayla and marching towards the trees.

Kayla wavers for a moment, sparing an undecisive glance towards their sky raft before hurrying after him “To hell with it. Might as well at least stick around to see what we find.”

“That’s the spirit lass.”

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