Sunday, June 3, 2018

Fugees and Iron - Characters

Fugees and Iron - Characters

 Unfortunately I didn't save the character sheets as they were at the outset of the campaign, so here they are as they stood at the end of the first story arc. Not much has changed - the odd skill has been swapped here and there, a couple of aspects have altered, and everyone has had a few skill raises and gained a stunt. Nothing major however.

It should be noted that these character sheets were only finalised (and in some cases created) as the characters were actually introduced to the story. I left things wide open for as long as possible.

The biggest changes were to Kayla because I couldnt settle on a system to use for her magic, even taking a couple of weeks Hiatus because I just wasnt feeling the systems I had chosen. This sheet reflects the system I eventually settled on.

Anyway, I didnt create all these before starting but I will include them here for reference;

Paladin of the Flame: Verden Bartell

Race: Born Survivor (Human)
Class: Infused with the living flame (Paladin)
Background: Enslaved by a Vampire along with my people.
Aspect: Sick of war and bloodshed
Aspect: Champion of the dispossessed and the Brelish Crown (trouble)

Great: Fight
Good: Faith,
Fair: Rapport, Empathy, Contacts
Average: Ride, Resources, Notice, Stealth

Refresh; 2
Physical [1][2][3]
Mental [1][2]
[Mild] [Moderate] [severe]

Adaptability (once per session, create an advantage relating to adapting to circumstances with one free invoke.)
Paladins Armour (ignore a compel against armour once/session at no cost)
My Faith is my sheild (use faith for physical consequences)
Paladins Weapons: proficient with martial weapons
Smite evil: +2 to attack daemons, extraplanar evil, and undead
Laying on of Hands: your healing power is such that you can, once per scene, remove a mild consequence from yourself or someone else, or reduce a more severe consequence by one step.
You may not do this again to a consequence that you have already reduced. If done in the midst of action, this takes your action for the exchange, and requires you to be in the same zone as your target.

Halberd: w3, Best at a distance, set against charge, 2 handed, free aspect (dismounted), free aspect (punctured armour).
Plate Mail: a3, a loud and protective shell, Partial coverage (breastplate and mail shirt only)
Bastard sword: w2, with 2 hands I hit harder, free boost (binding with oponent)

Scion of House Gholander: Jolene d'Gholander

Race: My home is open to all. (Halfling, Gholander)
Class: Hospitality can be eternal(Assassin)
Background: Born under the open skies
Aspect: Disgraced Scion and folk hero.
Aspect: Aide to General Heager, hunted by his associates

Great: Deceive
Good: Athletics,
Fair: Notice, Stealth, Burglary, Contacts,
Average: Shoot, Resources, Crafts, Fight

Refresh; 2
Physical [1][2][3]
Mental [1][2]
[Mild] [Moderate] [severe]

Silent tread (when barefoot, gain +1 to overcome obstacles by moving silently, and +1 athletics to keep balance on ledges, tightropes etc.)
Killers weapons (+1 attack and proficiency with assassin weapons)
Free running (athletics overcome to move between zones is free)
Unseen blade is the one that kills (Fate point and surprise in order to use Deceive instead of fight to attack single target for duration of combat)
Seducer (use deceive instead of Rapport when able to make use of seduction).
Climb Walls: gain +2 to Athletics for overcome actions that involve climbing. Further,
you may climb sheer surfaces without requiring special equipment to do so, provided
there are any cracks or projections at all that could be used as finger or toe-holds

Superior Leather armour: a1, less restrictive, lightweight and quiet
Superior Shortsword: w1, light and quick, keen edge, free boost: in close
Throwing dagger: w1, easy to conceal, unexpected attack, range 1zone.

Warforged Scout (Dart)

Race: Emotionless Construct Forged in the fires of war (warforged)
Class: Hidden ways and paths are my specialty (Ranger)
Background: For king and Country
Aspect: Special Forces Sergeant

Great: Notice
Good: Stealth
Fair: Shoot, Fight, Physique, Nature
Average: Athletics, Ride, Provoke, Contacts

Refresh 2
Physical: [1][2][3][4] [Mild]
Mental: [1][2]

Shoot and Fade: When attacking from stealth and getting a success with style, may add a free invocation to the stealth aspect rather than getting a boost.
Weapons of the hunter: +1 attack and proficiency with bows, 1 handed weapons, and spears
Bow Specialist: +1 to attack with bows (other than crossbows)
Careful shot: Use notice to attack rather than shoot when time has been taken to carefully aim a shot
Iron Man: +2 Physique when determining stress
Woods Vanish (requires Shoot and Fade or Stalker): once per scene, in woods or other natural environments with plenty of cover, you may pay a fate point to create an aspect of Hidden with two free invokes. This does not take an action, so you may act in the same exchange

Spear: w2, set against a charge, superior reach
Composite bow: w3, 2 handed, very long ranged, silent, Rapid shooting (attack again on success with style instead of boost).
Longsword: w2, with 2 hands I hit harder, free boost binding with oponent

Elemental Binder (Kayla

Race: Better a life like a falling star (Human)
Class: The living Elements are bound to my Will (Magic User)
Background: Graduate of the Lyrandar Windwrights academy
Aspect: Elemental Artillery Captain
Aspect: Dealing with fools is a waste of time (mercy/pride)

Great: Magic,
Good: Crafts
Fair: Lore, Resources, Will
Average: Provoke, Athletics, Notice, Investigate, Ride

Refresh: 2
Physical: [1][2]
[Mild] [Moderate] [Severe]

Human Determination:+1 to physique and Will to resist pain and discouragement
Arcane Education: Use Magic as lore when overcoming wrt magical topics. Once per adventure meet a wizard you knew at school who is favourable to you, or gain a Fate point.
Powerful Bindings: +2 when using Magic to create an advantage representing summoning or Binding elementals
Mage Armour: Use magic as athletics to defend
Sorcery: For the cost of a fate point, Kayla can use magic to replicate the effects of any other skill. If desired, she can instead use that skill with a +2 bonus. This skill use does not require any equipment, and can achieve things that would otherwise be impossible.
Elemental Destruction: Kayla may use Magic as Fight to attack as long as she has a summoned elemental aspect in play. The attack must be in the same zone as the elemental aspect, and has w1.

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